French GourMay Edition Rhone Wine & More Wine Pairing【尋味法國】泰國依善料理 X Rhone Valley & More 餐酒會


8 reviews


May 14, 2022 

Bistronomy (French Casual Fine Dining) is the art of combining bistro comfort dishes with fine-dining cooking techniques. In this French GourMay, Penticton is giving this Bistronomy concept a new twist - Thai Issan Cuisine X Rhone Valley Wines. Issan cuisine’s complex thrilling street flavours paired with the wines from this 2000-year-old wine-making region are sure to make some sparks. Come and experience this for yourself.


12:00 Welcome Drinks

12:30 Lunch


7:00 pm Welcome Drinks

7:30pm Dinner

Location: Restoran Saya

G701, Square Mile, 18 Fuk Chak Street, Kowloon West

5 Courses & 4 Wines
 Tasting Menu + Wine Curation by Penticton

泰國依善古早味料理 X Rhone Valley & More 法國餐酒會

法國隆河區擁有2000多年的釀酒歷史以及世界聞名的小酒館哲學,把頂級的食材和廚藝揉合在一起,讓藝術普及化! 泰國東北部依善料理,通過當地人獨有的烹調方法,帶出時令食材的鮮味和以「鹹、香」為主的特色小酒館料理!

在今年的法國五月我們決定打破傳統,以隆河區「法國葡萄酒 x 泰北古早味料理」,打造出驚喜的多重口感,包含泰北街頭小吃咖喱金麵、碳烤雞肉等! 在品嚐PENTICTON嚴選的葡萄酒時也能為味蕾帶來一次意想不到的體驗!


法國五月菜單 + PENTICTON 精心打造的法國隆河谷區的餐酒體驗    


DisclaimerUnder the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor cannot be sold or supplied to a minor (under 18) in the course of business. 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人(18歲以下人士)售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。