A Technicolor Dream of Alsace Wine Dinner

SKU: EF190237

8 reviews



October 23, 2022 (Sunday)

 Tasting menu curated by by one of the most exciting independent French bistros in town. Chef Tiff Lo will take us on a gastronomic voyage to celebrate the technicolor of Alsace with an experiential wine curation by the Sommelière of Penticton - Olivia Lee.

6:30 pm Reception | 7:00pm Dinner

Menu & Wine List

first course

crispy ox tongue, gribiche

Domaine Specht, Crement d’Alsace blanc 

2nd course

country pâté, chicken liver parfait

Domaine Specht, Alsace riesling tradition 

3rd course

salad of green beans, chicken heart, crispy duck skin 

4th course

geoduck, guanciale, parsley and garlic

Domaine Specht, Gewürztraiminer 

5th course

cod, roast cabbage, jus au riesling

Domaine Specht, Riesling Grand Cru Mandelberg 

6th course

duck à l’orange

Domaine Specht, generation Y Pinot Noir 

7th course

pear and lemon granita 


tarte fine aux pommes, crème fraîche

Secret Alsatian Pairing



Shop A, 14 Gresson St, Wan Chai 

 Price includes Dinner, Wine Pairing & 10% Service Charge


A Technicolor Dream of Alsace Wine Dinner

「亞爾薩斯的花花世界」 法國餐酒會 


這個擁有德、法血統的城市------法國阿爾薩斯(Alsace) 除了建築、文化糅合了兩國特色外,也造就了Alsace料理獨一無二的風格------講究香濃,味偏鹹香

ALSACE的4種「國寶級」的原生葡萄品種,包括花香四溢的RIESLINGAUXERROIS、充滿新鮮荔枝香的GEWURZTRAMINER及截然不同風格的PINOT NOIR ,這些佳釀與當地的料理風格互相搭配,呈現最真實古早味!

今年法國「ALSACE ROCK再次回歸,我們決定走進亞爾薩斯的花花世界! 以法國有名的特色小酒館料理 ,搭配在如此獨特的歷史文化背景之下釀造的古早味葡萄酒相信會讓你有意想不到的驚喜!! 

JEANMAY量身定制菜單 + PENTICTON 精心打造的法國亞爾薩斯區的餐酒體驗


價格已包含晚餐 、WINE PAIRING 以及10%服務費



DisclaimerUnder the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor cannot be sold or supplied to a minor (under 18) in the course of business. 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人(18歲以下人士)售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。