On July 14, France celebrates its vibrant country, diverse culture, and cherished heritage! And what better way to pay homage to this amazing nation than by raising a toast to its renowned wine tradition? 🍷
We want to share our love of wine and traditions in this year's French National Day with an original wine curation for our honorable guests and the special tasting table. From the history of wine regions, the sophisticated terroirs to the service etiquette, wine is the timeless symbol of l’art de vivre à la française.
At @pentictonpacific , we'll continue to introduce you to France's authentic wine regions, guiding you through our curation and story. Whether you're a connoisseur or a curious explorer, we're here to accompany you to discover these treasures.
在濃郁的節日氣氛下,我們挑選法國四款具有代表性的產區作為宴會用酒,讓各位賓客,可以感受到法國葡萄酒獨創的一面 更在現場分享我們的獨家佳釀,帶400位來賓一次法式舌尖上的旅行~ Santé !

July 14, 2023 - Bastille Day in Hong Kong by CONSULAT GÉNÉRAL DE FRANCE at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Location: Convention Center, Hong Kong
Date: July 14, 2023